The Best Way to Prevent AC Repair This Spring


With our variable weather throughout the year, it’s absolutely vital that you have a powerful and efficient air conditioner in place to keep you and your household comfortable. The last thing you need is to be met with unexpected ac repair needs in the middle of summer though–can this be prevented?

Yes, absolutely! Professional maintenance can help you avoid up to 85% of the repair needs your air conditioner may ever accumulate. Read on to learn more, in addition to the other benefits of professional air conditioner maintenance.

Fewer Repair Needs

Nobody should have to interrupt their spring break or summertime fun to call a professional to come repair their air conditioner that’s unexpectedly malfunctioning! It’s an inconvenience and added expense you probably weren’t counting on… but maintenance makes it less likely that you’ll be surprised.

In fact, professional maintenance can help you avoid up to 85% of the repair needs a system may ever need in its lifetime.

Peace of Mind

When you start using your air conditioner more regularly each year, it’s like driving your car across the country. All those miles on your car could lead to a vehicle that breaks down on the side of a road if it wasn’t properly maintained.

The same concept applies to your air conditioner (and your heater, for that matter). You want to have confidence that your air conditioner will last all through spring and summer without breaking down, and routine professional maintenance provides that confidence!

Maintain Energy Efficiency

Your air conditioner comes with a SEER rating. That is its Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. This tells us how much power your air conditioner will consume compared to its output. Theoretically, your air conditioner should be able to retain up to 95% of that SEER rating throughout its entire lifespan.

That’s with maintenance, though!

Longer Equipment Lifespan

Speaking of lifespan, while no air conditioner lasts forever, professional maintenance will help your system last a lot longer. With maintenance, your air conditioner should be expected to have a useful service life of 10-15 years.

When we say “useful” service life, we mean that it shouldn’t require frequent repairs, and it should still run pretty efficiently. Remember, just because an older air conditioner is running, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s running as best as it can.

Warranty Protection

The warranty on your air conditioning system protects you in case the cooling system malfunctions or breaks down due to a manufacturer’s defect. While we dislike this as much as you do, it is possible–albeit rare–for an air conditioner to have a manufacturer’s defect.

But with a current warranty, you’ll be protected financially if your air conditioner breaks down because of this–at least, as long as you were having professional maintenance done on the system once a year (twice a year for a heat pump system).

Most warranties last about 10 years, so it’s definitely worth doing things the right way and keeping that warranty valid!

For professional air conditioning repair in Colorado Springs, CO, look no further than Brown’s Heating & Cooling. Contact us today!

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