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Ways to Protect Your Commercial HVAC From Pests and Rodents

Having a commercial HVAC system means that the outdoor portions of your system are exposed to weather and elements all year round. This also means exposure to pests and rodents that may damage your units. The good news is that there are some steps you can take to protect your commercial HVAC system and prevent rodent and pest issues.

Just give us a call anytime you need service for your commercial HVAC in Boulder. We’re here to help whether your HVAC needs, big or small. We can even help answer questions that you may have about caring for your unit. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about the ways that rodents and pests can negatively affect your commercial HVAC system and what to do about it. 

Seal Ductwork

One of the best and easiest ways to protect your commercial HVAC system is to ensure that ductwork is secure and completely sealed. Ductwork is an enticing place to hide for small animals and pests. Broken seals and damaged areas of delicate duct material may allow them into the network and ultimately your HVAC system, too. You can prevent this problem by prioritizing regular HVAC maintenance for your business.

Our team can complete an annual inspection of your HVAC system and the attached ductwork. If we notice any problems, we can address them before they get worse. Our inspection will include looking for damage to your ductwork as well as identifying rodent activity. After all, your ductwork isn’t the only place that may be affacted by rodents.

Invest in Flue and Vent Covers

There are openings connected to your HVAC system that allow airflow into and out of the system. The problem with this is that the openings can also allow small pests and rodents to get inside the unit. If you don’t already have secure covers on vents and the flue, invest in them now. Doing so could save you the major headache of having rodent and bug problems inside your HVAC system.

Maintain a Clean Environment

It may seem too simple to really work, but just cleaning up around your unit is a great way to prevent bugs and small animals. Pests and rodents look for places to hide, and having a lot of debris around your HVAC system makes it appealing. After getting into the debris, they may also realize they can get into your HVAC system for even more protection from weather and elements.

Once a month you can inspect your indoor and outdoor units for signs of debris buildup. This is especially important outside where leaves, twigs, and even trash can blow into your HVAC system and build up to create a significant layer around the unit.

Clear away this debris and hose off the outdoor units with a low water pressure. Then check your indoor unit and wipe down the exterior cover if needed. Although you don’t have to worry as much about debris inside your business, it’s still a good idea to get into the habit of a monthly inspection. If you notice signs of rodent activity like claw and teeth marks or droppings you can call us for service.

Contact Meyers Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

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