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Meyers Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

What Should You Do if Your AC Is Malfunctioning?

If your air conditioner has something going wrong that is preventing it from operating the way it should, you’re likely facing higher energy costs and less effective cooling. You need to schedule air conditioning service in Longmont sooner rather than later.

If you’re wondering what you should do when your air conditioner isn’t running at its best, our team can help. You can keep reading to learn more about the steps you can take to prevent additional damage when your air conditioner malfunctions. Then give our team a call to schedule an appointment.

Turn Off the System 

No matter what the problem is, if you suspect that something serious is wrong with your air conditioner, your first step should be to turn off the unit completely. When you turn off your air conditioner, you’re taking preventative action to ensure that the problem doesn’t continue. And don’t just turn the AC off from the thermostat. Turn the power off to the actual unit itself.

For example, if something is broken and rattling around inside your air conditioner, continued operation could allow it to do a lot of damage. The same goes for if your AC has a component that is grinding or working inaccurately and placing strain on surrounding components. 

When you turn your air conditioner off, you ensure that our team has a chance to fix a smaller problem instead of a larger one. It is so easy for damage to spread in an air conditioner, and what might have started out as a fairly simple repair need can quickly snowball into something much bigger.


After you turn your air conditioner off, you can do some investigating yourself to learn more about what’s going wrong. For example, if you hear a noise coming from the indoor portion of your air conditioner, you might take the cover off and look inside to see if you notice any obvious signs of problems.

Examples might include excessive dirt, ice buildup on the coils, or a part that is obviously loose from its position. The same goes for your outdoor unit. We don’t expect you to do anything beyond some simple investigative work, but your steps can help us understand exactly what is wrong with the AC.

Call for Professional Service

When you’re ready, give us a call to schedule your service. Be sure to give us as much detail as possible about the concerns you have about how your air conditioner is operating and what you may have seen when you looked at both the indoor and outdoor units. 

This can help our team develop a general course of action so we know what to look at when we arrive at your home. Of course, you can expect us to inspect your air conditioner top to bottom no matter what. We don’t want to just address the obvious concern. We also want to check the rest of your system to make sure the entire unit is operating at its best.

Contact Meyers Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

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